Me teaching at an Adventist boarding school in South Korea. English teachers are in high demand in South Korea. I believe God set this up for me so that I could learn and grow beyond what was possible in the States. I will work hard to become a better person and a great teacher.
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Chuseok - Homesick
Well, the entire country is shut down. Sunday, today, is a holiday everyone goes to their home cities for. I'm fighting homesickness myself. Decided to get out of the apartment and go to the office. Walking across campus and was surprised how quiet the world is. Couldn't hear anything except an occasional plane. Didn't think anyone was around. The NightWatchMan is though. Was walking and there he was. He unlocked the building for me, gave me a rice... something?... and gave me an American high five as he sometimes does. Only this time, perhaps because of the sadness in my eyes, the high five turned into a gentle hand squeeze. He has always seemed like a guardian angel to Linda and I. Knowing just the right expression, usually a big bright smile, to give. Now Linda is gone and it is just me. It might not be an American holiday, but it is a Thanksgiving holiday nevertheless. A time you are supposed to spend with family. Now I understand the concern my students had for me when they heard I was staying here. They are so incredibly caring.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Mindy's Error
I want to tell you a story.
There was was a school with a variety of teachers. One of the teachers was a perfectionist who had been raised with good manners and what was expected of a Christian gentleman. He liked his space and didn't enjoy being with others who ate with though mouths open or without napkins. One day he went to the cafe to eat and sat at the end of the table.
Another teacher saw him sitting apart from the rest and asked him to move over beside her. He reluctantly moved over and explained to her he liked his elbow room. He quietly added that he didn't want to be stuck sitting near two people in particular that had less than desirable eating etiquette. She reassured him it would be okay and happily continued her meal.
Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, she saw not one but both of those very same teachers enter the cafe. Looking at the teacher's table, she noted the only free spots left were beside the teacher she had encouraged to sit beside her. Gulping, she saw his warning look at her.
The two got their food and then came over. The very one he didn't want sitting next to him (he doesn't keep his elbows in) sat next to him. The one he didn't want across from him (uses his hands to wipe his mouth instead of a napkin) sat across from him. That day he was also suffering from a cold. Without napkins, he sat there with his nose dripping as well.
She looked down at her food and ate. Realizing the teacher beside her wasn't eating, she look over. He glared at her and in a deadly whisper warned, "I will talk to you about this later." He left early.
To this day I laugh when I think of that. It wasn't funny at the time but it makes a great memory.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Friday Before Chuseok
So today is payday. Went to town, moved money stateside to pay bills, saw a movie with a friend and then went grocery shopping. With the cafe closed and campus shut down, I needed a food stash set up for the weekend.
The movie I saw was Taken 2. The main actor is a really good actor and his voice is calming. Just has one of those characteristic voices I guess. It is the first time in a long time I have had my heart beating so hard. The suspense and action was intense. I'm probably just not used to it since I don't watch movies often.
Went grocery shopping at E Mart afterwards. It was crowded as expected. I got a few things and skipped half my list, then hurried to check out. Went to Starbucks afterwards to wait for a friend and observed some fun things.
1st - A family came in. I looked up and saw the little toddler being allowed to pay for their order. He handed the card to the cashier, who took it and used it. The cashier handed it back to the boy, the boy proudly accepted it and then gave it to his dad. His dad casually took it, waited for the boy to get where the orders are put on the counter, then handed the card to his wife. She was sitting on a nearby stool and tiredly took it to put it away.
2nd - Another family came in. The guy was wearing the purse and the girl was handling the child.
Just something amusing.
Oh, saw more coach bags today. Glanced at them as the ladies sporting them walked by. Fakes. Every purse store I glance in, I see what appears to be perfectly legitimate coach brand purses. Except their fake. I can tell because of the pattern. However if I was to go inside and ask for the registration papers that come with each bag... they wouldn't have them. Also they just plain don't sell for $10. You can get them cheaper here around $200 instead of $500 but it will still cost you. Not interested.
The movie I saw was Taken 2. The main actor is a really good actor and his voice is calming. Just has one of those characteristic voices I guess. It is the first time in a long time I have had my heart beating so hard. The suspense and action was intense. I'm probably just not used to it since I don't watch movies often.
Went grocery shopping at E Mart afterwards. It was crowded as expected. I got a few things and skipped half my list, then hurried to check out. Went to Starbucks afterwards to wait for a friend and observed some fun things.
1st - A family came in. I looked up and saw the little toddler being allowed to pay for their order. He handed the card to the cashier, who took it and used it. The cashier handed it back to the boy, the boy proudly accepted it and then gave it to his dad. His dad casually took it, waited for the boy to get where the orders are put on the counter, then handed the card to his wife. She was sitting on a nearby stool and tiredly took it to put it away.
2nd - Another family came in. The guy was wearing the purse and the girl was handling the child.
Just something amusing.
Oh, saw more coach bags today. Glanced at them as the ladies sporting them walked by. Fakes. Every purse store I glance in, I see what appears to be perfectly legitimate coach brand purses. Except their fake. I can tell because of the pattern. However if I was to go inside and ask for the registration papers that come with each bag... they wouldn't have them. Also they just plain don't sell for $10. You can get them cheaper here around $200 instead of $500 but it will still cost you. Not interested.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
As much as I like my picture taken... I am not fond of videos. Three times now I have had them come to my class. Hoping three is a charm. The students are in holiday mode now. With mid-terms right after Chuseok, those that aren't hyper are very much sleepy. So I'm easing up in my classes a little to accommodate them. Don't need them freaking out after the holiday and doing something stupid like killing themselves. Koreans easily stress out in school and then later in their jobs. The culture here makes it rare for life to be otherwise. I hope they find the joy they think such hard work will bring.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Korean Drivers
Something I try to teach my students is common sense. They are surprisingly lacking in it. They think I am a genius for my "insights." If the education system focused on higher level thinking skills such analyzing or evaluation instead of just the lower thinking skills with an emphasis on memorization... then perhaps there would be less injuries and deaths around here.
Not everyone drives like this, but the percentage is insanely higher here than I have seen in America.
This link is a youtube video. You will see people speeding through red lights, changing into the left hand land right before turning right, doing u-turns and not quite staying in their lane, trying to pass buses on the shoulder when the shoulder is only two feet wide, etc. Common occurances here.
The insurance companies like to split the costs. So each driver gets a percentage of the blame even if it is obviously one person's fault. If you get stressed or upset easily, don't click on the link please.
Not everyone drives like this, but the percentage is insanely higher here than I have seen in America.
This link is a youtube video. You will see people speeding through red lights, changing into the left hand land right before turning right, doing u-turns and not quite staying in their lane, trying to pass buses on the shoulder when the shoulder is only two feet wide, etc. Common occurances here.
The insurance companies like to split the costs. So each driver gets a percentage of the blame even if it is obviously one person's fault. If you get stressed or upset easily, don't click on the link please.
ACE from Saba
Today is the first day I am trying something new. It is a pill called ACE from Saba
It's abilities include giving the person who uses it more energy, a high metabolism, and less hunger cravings. It can lead to weight loss, less stress, better sleep at night, less anxiety and elimination of depression-like symptoms. Some people even use it to stabilize their bathroom activities.
My purpose is mainly to control the urges to snack on unhealthy foods. This extra energy is a huge bonus. I'm hoping to use these benefits to go to the gym and lose some of that fat I've accumulated.
On a side not, today they are redoing the video-tape of my class. It is a promotional thing.
It's abilities include giving the person who uses it more energy, a high metabolism, and less hunger cravings. It can lead to weight loss, less stress, better sleep at night, less anxiety and elimination of depression-like symptoms. Some people even use it to stabilize their bathroom activities.
My purpose is mainly to control the urges to snack on unhealthy foods. This extra energy is a huge bonus. I'm hoping to use these benefits to go to the gym and lose some of that fat I've accumulated.
On a side not, today they are redoing the video-tape of my class. It is a promotional thing.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Dorm Class
Came back into the office to get some stuff for my dorm class tonight. Need to finish getting it all together. Class is at 9:10pm. I think I have what I want to do almost ready. I have the dorm worship prepared for afterwards at least. It has been one of those days that feels like a Thursday and a week long. Hard to believe it is still only Tuesday. Had trouble with the junior boys today. Senioritis is already kicking in I guess.
Oh look... despite being tired I can still smile. Hmmm... *goes to play with the webcam*
And that my friends is it. I'm tired and have 8 minutes to finish getting ready. God bless!
Oh look... despite being tired I can still smile. Hmmm... *goes to play with the webcam*
![]() |
Summoning energy to do a funny pose... and settles for another smile instead. |
Good morning!
Slept well last night. Woke up to a beautiful cool morning. Ready for classes today. Not much happening. The kids are either really tired or really active. They are tired because they are pulling all nighters studying for the midterms in two weeks. However they are also have a 5 day vacation starting Friday afternoon so...
Monday, September 24, 2012
Weather Change
I guess fall must be here. The weather is getting cooler. I worry about how this will affect classes. Kids are already coughing. Some of the teachers are not feeling so good either. I'm thankfully doing fine yet. Will have to do my best to stay that way.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Oh Happy Day!
It's Sunday! And where can I be found? In the office working on lesson plans of course! I'm ready for tomorrow, sorta. There is supposed to be a promotional video being made tomorrow in one or two of my classes. I need to come up with phrases like "English is fun!" or "International classes are enjoyable!" for saying to the camera. Lovely, right?
Well my morning was a bit productive. I'm going to go home and think about making no bake cookies. Really hungry and thirsty after the hike I went on yesterday. Will have to eat a lot and then work out at the gym tonight. Well, use the treadmill. I like the treadmill. The instant I try anything else, I stop going to the gym.
Though I have music playing right now... makes a person want to hop up and do something active. Like gymnastics or hip hop or something. Or the treadmill ^_^ Yes, music makes the treadmill more fun too.
Anyrate, have a good day everyone!
Well my morning was a bit productive. I'm going to go home and think about making no bake cookies. Really hungry and thirsty after the hike I went on yesterday. Will have to eat a lot and then work out at the gym tonight. Well, use the treadmill. I like the treadmill. The instant I try anything else, I stop going to the gym.
Though I have music playing right now... makes a person want to hop up and do something active. Like gymnastics or hip hop or something. Or the treadmill ^_^ Yes, music makes the treadmill more fun too.
Anyrate, have a good day everyone!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Family Life
With Chusok coming up, the ladies I hung out with today couldn't help but bring up the woman's role during this wondeful (or not) holiday. With us starting the book "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, I was explaining the little I knew about the culture of that day and age to them. In addition to this, they were curious what life was like for Americans and their in-laws. I said we were one big family. They said that in-laws don't like the daughter... that she is competition to them for their son's love. Even the parents fight over their kids' love.
In the case of Chusok, the Korean Thanksgiving, women are expected to prepare gifts, food and to get a lot of cleaning done. Then men and children play and watch TV. Woman get sick from nervousness before it and are exhausted to the point of sickness afterwards.
In the case of Chusok, the Korean Thanksgiving, women are expected to prepare gifts, food and to get a lot of cleaning done. Then men and children play and watch TV. Woman get sick from nervousness before it and are exhausted to the point of sickness afterwards.
24 Hour Break
Friday afternoon, I caught a ride to Daegu and stayed at Emma's place. Slept in and went hiking on the mountain behind Daegu Stadium. Our point of interest was the temple there. Someday when I am more in shape, I will go the rest of the way to the top. On that day, I will have a camera on me ^_^ Afterwards we went to a book club. We are going to start reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Then I caught a bus back to school. Was lucky and got a bus in Jain to Namsan so ended up saving taxi fare.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Today in class, the first thing my students said to me was that I was really beautiful. They like my jean skirt. They were quick to point out it was too long though. Silly Koreans love their mini skirts. Haha.
We are wrapping up our look at Australia today. Next week we move on to Asia. I had a few minutes at the end of class and so showed them the tv show Survivor's opening for the Outback series. Survivor is an interesting show and I really like it. Haven't watched it in years sadly. Whenever I hear the music, I think about the three series I saw: first series, Africa and Australia. Those three I saw and enjoyed. What is more, I watched a majority of them with my grandma in the summer. So they are an automatic tie to the farm, her and the memories of summer there. When I showed the Australia introduction to the students, I thoughtlessly brought on feelings of homesickness along with the sweet memories.
I'm working with the school still to figure out when I can come stateside. It is taking a little bit of work. Very eager to have it planned and set up. That way I can let those I am visiting know when to expect me.
We are wrapping up our look at Australia today. Next week we move on to Asia. I had a few minutes at the end of class and so showed them the tv show Survivor's opening for the Outback series. Survivor is an interesting show and I really like it. Haven't watched it in years sadly. Whenever I hear the music, I think about the three series I saw: first series, Africa and Australia. Those three I saw and enjoyed. What is more, I watched a majority of them with my grandma in the summer. So they are an automatic tie to the farm, her and the memories of summer there. When I showed the Australia introduction to the students, I thoughtlessly brought on feelings of homesickness along with the sweet memories.
I'm working with the school still to figure out when I can come stateside. It is taking a little bit of work. Very eager to have it planned and set up. That way I can let those I am visiting know when to expect me.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Wide Awake
Hey all, good morning ^_^
Not much has happened yet today. I have the weekend off and have made plans to spend Saturday with a friend. The school is trying to have me work a fourth weekend in a row. We are supposed to only work two weekends a month so... planning on putting my foot down on this one. I have plans to be off campus and that is that.
It seems that several of the staff here had nightmares last night. Mine were not that enjoyable and I hear another person kept his roommate awake half the night with his screaming. So people are a little irritable today.
Not much has happened yet today. I have the weekend off and have made plans to spend Saturday with a friend. The school is trying to have me work a fourth weekend in a row. We are supposed to only work two weekends a month so... planning on putting my foot down on this one. I have plans to be off campus and that is that.
It seems that several of the staff here had nightmares last night. Mine were not that enjoyable and I hear another person kept his roommate awake half the night with his screaming. So people are a little irritable today.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
So in an effort to lose weight, I went to the gym to exercise tonight. Got almost two miles in 35 minutes. I tried jogging, but didn't do that very long. So settled for power walking. Just staying at the gym longer than 15 minutes is a real big accomplishment. Also helps that Andrea expects me to be there. Having her and Willis to hold me accountable will go a long ways. I'm praying that by Thanksgiving I will have lost enough of the fat weight that I won't feel guilty buying and pigging out on a feast. Also, I just want to be healthier. Since I am unwilling to give up my food items that are high in calories, I have only the exercise option left. No more sitting around all evening. I can devote a bit of my time to taking care of myself and improving my quality of life.
I'm going to Australia! Just kidding ;)
I am actually just teaching some basics about Australia to my students in the conversation classes today. We are using a lot of clips and music videos of the Olympics and the song "Down Under" by Men At Work. Also have a map. We will see if they can handle it. My sophomores are easily uncontrollable. Will have a backup plan in place just for them.
Got to run. We are on a shortened schedule today because of Week of Prayer.
I am actually just teaching some basics about Australia to my students in the conversation classes today. We are using a lot of clips and music videos of the Olympics and the song "Down Under" by Men At Work. Also have a map. We will see if they can handle it. My sophomores are easily uncontrollable. Will have a backup plan in place just for them.
Got to run. We are on a shortened schedule today because of Week of Prayer.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Typhoon Gone.
Well the typhoon did little damage here. The school sign down at the road fell down. Other than that, it is a bright and beautiful day outside. Birds are chirping and the sound of dripping water can be heard.
Monday, September 17, 2012
6 Men + 1 Female
I work with 5 other foreigner male teachers and a male Korean assistant. So you can imagine my joy at learning YoungNam SahmYook had hired a female, who speaks really good English, to help with my office and classes. She arrived today and seems like a very nice person. However, this location is too far in the country for her. After she learned what her responsibilities were going to be, she said she wasn't being paid enough and left. Bit disappointed about the outcome. It is true their pay is extremely low. Emma won't take the job for that very reason. Still, it would have been nice.
The typhoon is still just raining here. Busan is being hit hard. They became concerned down there and starting taping the windows. I'm watching the weather map online. The storm seems to have split into two sections. The first is about here, and the other will come this evening.
The typhoon is still just raining here. Busan is being hit hard. They became concerned down there and starting taping the windows. I'm watching the weather map online. The storm seems to have split into two sections. The first is about here, and the other will come this evening.
Reality, but Funny
The principle is walking around with an umbrella.... inside.
Our roof is leaking in a few spots.
Our roof is leaking in a few spots.
Typhoon Sanba
Maybe I underestimated this typhoon. It has two eyes. I was laughing and cheering at having rain and no class. Perhaps this evening will be tough though. At least I live on campus. This campus is protected by several sets of hills and the mountain range. Will learn come morning what the typhoon is capable of.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Classes Canceled - Love Typhoons!
So tomorrow the students on campus will simply have a studyhall. Those off campus will be staying home because, well, strong winds are not fun to travel through. So no classes! This gives me more time to prepare for classes, make sure the classroom is nice and straightened, and organize my desk space. This is going to be one wet Monday come morning. Actually it has been raining for several days, but hey, totally not complaining :)
Friday, September 14, 2012
Frightful Friday
It isn't really a frightful day. I have the follow-up dentist appointment today where the dentist decides whether to put in a filling or do a root canal. Other than that, it is a good day :)
I'm wearing one of my new outfits I bought and that Lon brought over. Pretty shirt and a really long jean skirt :) Yay for more of a selection. Also, there is no black in this one which is a nice change. Have too many black slacks.
It is a bit rainy today. Maybe tomorrow as well. Listening to the song "Stronger" originally by Kelly Clarkson but redone by Jervy and Bri. I like Jervy's piano skills. He doesn't sing in this one, but his voice is amazing too.
I'm wearing one of my new outfits I bought and that Lon brought over. Pretty shirt and a really long jean skirt :) Yay for more of a selection. Also, there is no black in this one which is a nice change. Have too many black slacks.
It is a bit rainy today. Maybe tomorrow as well. Listening to the song "Stronger" originally by Kelly Clarkson but redone by Jervy and Bri. I like Jervy's piano skills. He doesn't sing in this one, but his voice is amazing too.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Today is truly an amazing day. My junior conversation class went smoothly which in itself is a blessing. I'm not entirely sure what happened yesterday, but there was no hint of tension still remaining. We had our photoshoot outside with someone important taking the pictures. While we were doing that, a friend from the states arrived. I was so incredibly happy to see him. A good to honest American hug and a few kind words later had me feeling like my old self. Then he handed over the clothes I had ordered, which is quite a few. I am eager to match them into outfits and to wear them. Then the presents... crystal light, sausettes, and linkettes. Oh happy day. I was dizzy with excitement. Friendly face and amazing gifts. Then at lunch they had bread rolls. I ate five and to be polite ate some rice too. Good food in addition to the already good day and you have a really happy Mindy ^_^
Today during morning staff worship, I was chipper while talking about the power of prayer. However I was the only one awake. No one else seemed to wake up with much energy this morning. As I was leaving, I said, "See ya later!" To which the reply was, "Good night."
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Wednesday - Halfway Day
Hello all. Went out to eat again last night with the school. Had fish and rice again. Came back and finished filling up on Dark Chocolate Acai Blueberries. Lots of antioxidants in those... though honestly I'm not sure what those are. Just that they are good for you.
Super excited for a friend to come visit from the states. He arrives tomorrow. I wonder what time he will get here and how long he will be able to stay. His visit is definitely the highlight of this week.
Finished the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain. An excellence resource that I highly recommend for everyone.
Took a side picture today. Figured you might be getting tired of the shot day after day. I do love using this webcam though. You can see for yourself that I haven't dyed my hair purple and gotten a bit tattoo on my face yet ;) You know I won't, but I have learned that a few of my readers have feared that outcome for some reason. Silly family, I love you all.
Super excited for a friend to come visit from the states. He arrives tomorrow. I wonder what time he will get here and how long he will be able to stay. His visit is definitely the highlight of this week.
Finished the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain. An excellence resource that I highly recommend for everyone.
Took a side picture today. Figured you might be getting tired of the shot day after day. I do love using this webcam though. You can see for yourself that I haven't dyed my hair purple and gotten a bit tattoo on my face yet ;) You know I won't, but I have learned that a few of my readers have feared that outcome for some reason. Silly family, I love you all.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Characteristically, someone in administration decided they want pictures of us again. They asked when our schedules were free. We told them today wasn't a good day, but the other days of this week would work better. At lunch, one of the teachers commented, "Yeah, asking us to smile on 9/11 is not a good suggestion. Several of us have family fighting in a war because of that day." He had a point. This is a serious day for us. So we will see when we get pictures taken.
Dragged a student over... Michelle has a broken leg so I didn't make her stand...
Monday, September 10, 2012
The students here can truly be caring kids for their teachers. One of the sophomores came up to me between her classes and begged me to take care of my health. She asked that I be careful and to not get sick. Evidently my absence as church this last week as well as her dean being sick every weekend from stress concerned her. It was sweet of her to worry. I reassured her that I had every intention of being fine. Her words alone is enough to get me to go exercise tonight ^_^
Monday Rain
Just got into the office to start another day. A bit upset with myself. I had taken all the homework to my place to grade and only was able to get the Freshmen and Sophomore's done. I could have done the Juniors as well, but after lunch I procrastinated until bedtime. I'll have to get them done today since today is truly my easiest day this week.
Woke up to the sound of rain. It rained yesterday morning as well. It likes to stop though before lunch, so the hottest part of the day is also the most humid. It gets cool at night so that at breakfast and after supper you wish to wear long-sleeves. However, if you do then you will be pretty unhappy in the middle of the day when it is warm out. Looking forward to the month of October. Can't say I am looking forward to December or January though. Those are some pretty chilly days.
I have staff worship this week except on Wednesday. Wednesday all the teachers go to the Korean Teachers' Office for a group worship. Otherwise us foreigners meet up in the Globish Center. I looked over the devotional and what we are reading this week. It is an interesting topic for the first half, "The Kingdom Advances Among Friends" part 1, 2, and 3. Technically today is part 3 but I think I will wing it or something to get part one and part two in there. They are really good in my opinion, but no one else seems to find the book interesting. Each to their own tastes.
Well I have to go. The day is starting after all ;)
Woke up to the sound of rain. It rained yesterday morning as well. It likes to stop though before lunch, so the hottest part of the day is also the most humid. It gets cool at night so that at breakfast and after supper you wish to wear long-sleeves. However, if you do then you will be pretty unhappy in the middle of the day when it is warm out. Looking forward to the month of October. Can't say I am looking forward to December or January though. Those are some pretty chilly days.
I have staff worship this week except on Wednesday. Wednesday all the teachers go to the Korean Teachers' Office for a group worship. Otherwise us foreigners meet up in the Globish Center. I looked over the devotional and what we are reading this week. It is an interesting topic for the first half, "The Kingdom Advances Among Friends" part 1, 2, and 3. Technically today is part 3 but I think I will wing it or something to get part one and part two in there. They are really good in my opinion, but no one else seems to find the book interesting. Each to their own tastes.
Well I have to go. The day is starting after all ;)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Korean Proverb and Final 9/11 Art piece
I'm grading essays right now. At the end of the last one I graded, the student shared a Korean saying with me.
"Thousand hearing are not worth one seeing."
They were writing on which was worth more. Experience and knowledge through books or through experience.
On another note, here is the final 9/11 tribute that I have done.
I didn't want to cause dishonor to my country or those who serve by inadvertently drawing the American flag wrong. So I placed in blue and red strips on a white background. Then I placed stars around that. The rest speaks for itself.
"Thousand hearing are not worth one seeing."
They were writing on which was worth more. Experience and knowledge through books or through experience.
On another note, here is the final 9/11 tribute that I have done.
I didn't want to cause dishonor to my country or those who serve by inadvertently drawing the American flag wrong. So I placed in blue and red strips on a white background. Then I placed stars around that. The rest speaks for itself.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
So I randomly decided to write a blog saying hi. Saturday afternoon now. Almost supper time. Guess that means you all are most likely in bed.
Friday, September 7, 2012
9/11 Tribute Series
I'm currently working on a 9-11 tribute series. It has been 11 years since that horrible day. I still can't watch documentaries or replays of the coverage that day without deep feelings of dread, anger, hurt, and sorrow. Last year I spent the day with a friend as she prepared to teach her students about 9/11. It is difficult to comprehend that middle school students would have no clear memory of a day we could never forget. Now I spend that day overseas and am hearing the stories of foreigners who learned of the tragedy from their Korean friends. As I create each art piece, I photograph it, upload it, and plan the next.
Dentist Again
So I am worn out and tired. All week I have had pain in the back upper part of my mouth. My first thought was, "Oh horror of horrors, I need a root canal." So cringingly I asked Teacher Oh to set up an appointment at the dentist for me, but otherwise kept quiet about it. You know me, complain and whine when in pain unless too embarrassed to admit something might be wrong. Anyrate, after a week of what I thought was pain, I went to the dentist. Then I discovered true pain.
I went in and he looked at it. Then he pulled up an x-ray and drew on it while explaining in his limited English what was wrong. This is what he told me. My tooth a few years ago had decay, was excavated and filled. That decayed area decayed more causing the filling to break. He went in, took out what was left of the filling, excavated the decayed tooth as much as he could, then capped it. Then back to explanations. If he excavates anymore of the decayed places beyond what he has done, he will hit the nerve pulp. So he wants me to go a week and see if I have pain or am sensitive to cold water. If not, he will fill it. If so, he will do a root canal. I can say that I was super excited at that prospect *sarcasm*.
The process was simple. I prayed "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" over and over while he turned on his drill and stuck me with needles. Then by the time he was done, My entire left side hurt and I had a splitting headache. Scarily enough, I can tell that the medicine he injected was helping. I hate to imagine what it would have been like without it. Luckily for me, the Koreans at the dental clinic seem to find my nervous kindness endearing. They are always so sweet to me and respond to my quiet demeanor in a compassionate way. Someone else I know who is more of an extrovert said that he didn't fare so well there and won't be going back. Kind of nice to be in a place where my qualities are not looked down upon. Feel bad for him though.
Canceled my plans for the English Club at a cafe in town and came on home. Didn't even wait for a taxi at Jain. I jumped on a bus that said Namsan 1 on it and rode to Namsan and walked the rest of the way. Which is unusual for me. I just wanted to get to my apartment and curl up. The pain is receded so I won't take painkillers... unless supper makes everything hurt more again.
That is my check up for now. Oh, and my trip to the dentist today only cost just under $5. Mwuahahaha! Love South Korea!
Gaw! That picture makes my shirt look orange! I promise is is a very pretty red. The shelf behind me is light green... not blue. I think this laptop has a small color issue with it's webcam. Anyrate, God bless and Happy Sabbath!
I went in and he looked at it. Then he pulled up an x-ray and drew on it while explaining in his limited English what was wrong. This is what he told me. My tooth a few years ago had decay, was excavated and filled. That decayed area decayed more causing the filling to break. He went in, took out what was left of the filling, excavated the decayed tooth as much as he could, then capped it. Then back to explanations. If he excavates anymore of the decayed places beyond what he has done, he will hit the nerve pulp. So he wants me to go a week and see if I have pain or am sensitive to cold water. If not, he will fill it. If so, he will do a root canal. I can say that I was super excited at that prospect *sarcasm*.
The process was simple. I prayed "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" over and over while he turned on his drill and stuck me with needles. Then by the time he was done, My entire left side hurt and I had a splitting headache. Scarily enough, I can tell that the medicine he injected was helping. I hate to imagine what it would have been like without it. Luckily for me, the Koreans at the dental clinic seem to find my nervous kindness endearing. They are always so sweet to me and respond to my quiet demeanor in a compassionate way. Someone else I know who is more of an extrovert said that he didn't fare so well there and won't be going back. Kind of nice to be in a place where my qualities are not looked down upon. Feel bad for him though.
Canceled my plans for the English Club at a cafe in town and came on home. Didn't even wait for a taxi at Jain. I jumped on a bus that said Namsan 1 on it and rode to Namsan and walked the rest of the way. Which is unusual for me. I just wanted to get to my apartment and curl up. The pain is receded so I won't take painkillers... unless supper makes everything hurt more again.
That is my check up for now. Oh, and my trip to the dentist today only cost just under $5. Mwuahahaha! Love South Korea!
Gaw! That picture makes my shirt look orange! I promise is is a very pretty red. The shelf behind me is light green... not blue. I think this laptop has a small color issue with it's webcam. Anyrate, God bless and Happy Sabbath!
Evil Teacher Alert
In class today, I made the kids play a game where they sat in chairs in a circle. One student in the middle said she likes this or that and everyone who agrees has to switch chairs. They are not allowed to go to a chair directly beside them. I figured it would wake them up. Goal achieved. Secret mission also accomplished when I happily starting removing chairs during the melee. Oh so fun ^_^
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Just as Wednesday has almost all my conversation classes, so Thursday has all of my International Classes. Thursday is what makes Wednesday worth getting through. Today I have all three of my International Classes. I truly enjoy having a textbook to base off lessons off of. It makes teaching so much more enjoyable. So now that I am happier and more awake, let's try the picture of the day again shall we ^_^
Oh silly me, I was going to include a water bottle with water that you could see so that I could prove to my brother (and another friend as well) that I actually do indeed drink water.
There you go bro, you can see ^_^
Oh silly me, I was going to include a water bottle with water that you could see so that I could prove to my brother (and another friend as well) that I actually do indeed drink water.
There you go bro, you can see ^_^
Thursday... hmmm...
Meh, not much to say. Just hi and good morning... though it is almost lunch. Anyrate... *awkward silence*... Bye.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Twin Brother Shout Out
To every email I send... to every facebook status update I create... to every comment online I type... my dearest twin always responds with the two universal words I've come to expect from my caring brother. "Drink Water." Well hon, I have something to say to you. It isn't two words either. It is a thousand words. A picture is worth a thousand words isn't it?
Halfway Point: Toothpaste
Wednesday. Blessed Wednesday. The day I have four middle school conversation classes. They are truly the hardest classes to teach and sadly fall all on the same day. It is however the halfway day. I make it through the conversation classes, then I am halfway through my week :)
Only in South Korea does a teacher come to class to find a student with a toothbrush in her mouth wanting permission to return to the bathroom. Only in South Korea do you walk down the hallways after lunch watching students going between their homerooms and the bathroom while brushing their teeth. Only in South Korea does the teacher's bathroom counter have cups with toothbrushes in them for all the teachers.
Anyrate, a bit of trivia for you today ^_^
Only in South Korea does a teacher come to class to find a student with a toothbrush in her mouth wanting permission to return to the bathroom. Only in South Korea do you walk down the hallways after lunch watching students going between their homerooms and the bathroom while brushing their teeth. Only in South Korea does the teacher's bathroom counter have cups with toothbrushes in them for all the teachers.
Anyrate, a bit of trivia for you today ^_^
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Food: Here and Home
Some reflecting was done today, particularly at lunch, over the differences in food. The people here love their rice and rice products. Back home the love of meals is wheat and wheat products. Here it is rice, rice cakes, topoki, noodles, and other rice-products. Home it can be summed up in two words. Grandma's cooking. There is nothing like the food you grew up with and enjoyed. Food I think is my greatest weakness for being in another culture. I have heard from other expats that food is also one of the hardest things to adjust to. Simply either you adjust or you do not. If you do, you can stay here happily for a few (or many) years. If you do not, well, the likelihood of you running back home within a few months to a year are higher.
Just Tuesday?
It is one of those days where you wake up convinced that it is a day later than it really is. Not a feeling a person particularly enjoys as the confusion and disappointment that come with it are not enjoyable.
On the bright side, a friend stopped by last night with a great idea. She suggested starting a book club that meets twice a month. She would like to start reading a Jane Austen book. My vote is for Pride and Prejudice. Her vote is for Emma, from where she chose her English name. Will see what happens.
Tonight is a special dinner. Our vice principle left last week and our new vice principle arrived over the weekend. I met him Monday. It is a rather short man but can, thankfully, speak English a little bit. Am uncertain how proficient he is but positive that it is enough. At the end of February, he will replace our principle. So I am very hopeful that he is of a good character and personality.
On the bright side, a friend stopped by last night with a great idea. She suggested starting a book club that meets twice a month. She would like to start reading a Jane Austen book. My vote is for Pride and Prejudice. Her vote is for Emma, from where she chose her English name. Will see what happens.
Tonight is a special dinner. Our vice principle left last week and our new vice principle arrived over the weekend. I met him Monday. It is a rather short man but can, thankfully, speak English a little bit. Am uncertain how proficient he is but positive that it is enough. At the end of February, he will replace our principle. So I am very hopeful that he is of a good character and personality.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Howdy all, Mondays are my easiest day I think. Today I was able to take a few minutes to work on my drawings a little bit. I sketched out an idea taken from the literature book my freshmen have. The story is called "Eleven" and explains how even though you may be a teen or an adult, there are days where you feel like crying like a three year old. That you are the age you are, plus all the ages that came before.
Then later I was talking with someone and he was telling me about a story he wanted to do someday. I got this idea in my head for his story and ended up merging that idea with the literature story's concept. Finally got the sketch inked and am now applying the copics to it bit by bit.
In South Korea, the Christian denomination known as the Seventh-day Adventists is really popular. Everyone knows who they are and have a general idea of what they believe. After the Korean War, it was the Seventh-day Adventists who helped rebuild the country. It was the Seventh-day Adventists who build the large schools and universities. So many of the prominent politicians and business leaders that are here today went to those schools.
I work at an SDA boarding school teaching middle and high school students. Despite the law the government passed saying you could not force teachers or students to attend on the weekend, our school has forced the teachers to come to hold Sabbath School for the kids and to attend the church services afterwards. We knew we were attending an SDA school when we signed our contracts, so we didn't say anything. The students may not attend if they choose to leave for the weekend, however if they stay then they must come.
The government learned that our school was breaking the law. So for this semester, they are paying the teachers for every class that is taught and providing almost 50,000 dollars to spent on whatever is needed for our classes. It must be spent by the end of December, no other option. The principle told the Korean teachers that if the students do not continue to come to these classes, that they will be in trouble with him. They are angry at the extra work (they have to do the work of three: teacher, secretary, and counselor) and at the authoritarian attitude in place of encouraging attitude. However, knowing that it can't be helped, they must help make all the classes a success.
In the elementary classes that I teach, I have the youngest kids who speak very little English. I obviously have a translator. We started with the basics this weekend, the beginning of the Bible and talking about Creation. Most of our students are not Christian, but Buddhist. So Sunday it was proposed that our Saturday classes not teach religion, but just English. That way the students' parents will not have reason to be upset. I understand that concern as well as the motivation behind it, yet I can't help but feel that the parents and government know what our school is and what is taught on Saturdays: The Bible. Therefore it should be safe to assume that despite being Buddhist, they don't mind their children being exposed to Christianity or Biblical teachings as they allowed their kids to attend on the Creation Sabbath.
However this turns out, it in the end doesn't change much. An observation: All of Korea knows of SDAs but America (where the denomination started) so few know of the existence of SDAs. Those that do often misunderstand what we believe and don't ask questions to clear it up. Strange how that works. American, the land of freedom, isn't full of free thinking people. They blindly follow the media or Hollywood. South Korea, the land of socialism mixed with democracy, is full of people who try to learn for themselves as much as they can. Americans would be offended... South Koreans would just shrug as that is life.
I work at an SDA boarding school teaching middle and high school students. Despite the law the government passed saying you could not force teachers or students to attend on the weekend, our school has forced the teachers to come to hold Sabbath School for the kids and to attend the church services afterwards. We knew we were attending an SDA school when we signed our contracts, so we didn't say anything. The students may not attend if they choose to leave for the weekend, however if they stay then they must come.
The government learned that our school was breaking the law. So for this semester, they are paying the teachers for every class that is taught and providing almost 50,000 dollars to spent on whatever is needed for our classes. It must be spent by the end of December, no other option. The principle told the Korean teachers that if the students do not continue to come to these classes, that they will be in trouble with him. They are angry at the extra work (they have to do the work of three: teacher, secretary, and counselor) and at the authoritarian attitude in place of encouraging attitude. However, knowing that it can't be helped, they must help make all the classes a success.
In the elementary classes that I teach, I have the youngest kids who speak very little English. I obviously have a translator. We started with the basics this weekend, the beginning of the Bible and talking about Creation. Most of our students are not Christian, but Buddhist. So Sunday it was proposed that our Saturday classes not teach religion, but just English. That way the students' parents will not have reason to be upset. I understand that concern as well as the motivation behind it, yet I can't help but feel that the parents and government know what our school is and what is taught on Saturdays: The Bible. Therefore it should be safe to assume that despite being Buddhist, they don't mind their children being exposed to Christianity or Biblical teachings as they allowed their kids to attend on the Creation Sabbath.
However this turns out, it in the end doesn't change much. An observation: All of Korea knows of SDAs but America (where the denomination started) so few know of the existence of SDAs. Those that do often misunderstand what we believe and don't ask questions to clear it up. Strange how that works. American, the land of freedom, isn't full of free thinking people. They blindly follow the media or Hollywood. South Korea, the land of socialism mixed with democracy, is full of people who try to learn for themselves as much as they can. Americans would be offended... South Koreans would just shrug as that is life.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Have worked on doing some new art with my copics... here is my early attempts. Really hoping to improve.
The last one is probably the best because I have a set of grays. Having that many options allows me to layer more. I only have one of the other colors so layering is limited.
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