
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday - Halfway Day

Hello all.  Went out to eat again last night with the school.  Had fish and rice again.  Came back and finished filling up on Dark Chocolate Acai Blueberries.  Lots of antioxidants in those... though honestly I'm not sure what those are.  Just that they are good for you.

Super excited for a friend to come visit from the states.  He arrives tomorrow.  I wonder what time he will get here and how long he will be able to stay.  His visit is definitely the highlight of this week.

Finished the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain.  An excellence resource that I highly recommend for everyone.

Took a side picture today.  Figured you might be getting tired of the shot day after day.  I do love using this webcam though.  You can see for yourself that I haven't dyed my hair purple and gotten a bit tattoo on my face yet ;)  You know I won't, but I have learned that a few of my readers have feared that outcome for some reason.  Silly family, I love you all.


  1. I enjoy the shots :) I get to see you almost everyday!

  2. The pictures of you there in Korea are a great addition to this blog - brings you closer, somehow.

    OK, maybe I am a guilty family member, worrying you might get tattooed or color your hair a strange, unnatural color.

    But then again, I am glad to hear you affirm you will not. If you did do those things, I would be prone to think you are an overdoing Park Jung Min fan (I might not have written the famous pop singer's name correctly - if so, please forgive me).
