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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So in an effort to lose weight, I went to the gym to exercise tonight.  Got almost two miles in 35 minutes.  I tried jogging, but didn't do that very long.  So settled for power walking.  Just staying at the gym longer than 15 minutes is a real big accomplishment.  Also helps that Andrea expects me to be there.  Having her and Willis to hold me accountable will go a long ways.  I'm praying that by Thanksgiving I will have lost enough of the fat weight that I won't feel guilty buying and pigging out on a feast.  Also, I just want to be healthier.  Since I am unwilling to give up my food items that are high in calories, I have only the exercise option left.  No more sitting around all evening.  I can devote a bit of my time to taking care of myself and improving my quality of life.

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