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Monday, September 26, 2011

K Pop

There is an amazing industry here in South Korea that is truly enjoyable for me.  There is a genre of music that is a mix of hip hop, rock, and something else.  It is called K Pop.  There are several bands that are really well liked.  One of those bands holds the record for the largest fan group in the world.

I have come to like one such band.  They are known as SS501... pronounced "double s 5 o 1".  The song they play called "Love Ya" is a mixture of Korean and English phrases.  It mixes symphony, boy band, and rock together.  Since I have a love for symphonic rock, this definitely is close to what I enjoy already.

K Pop is a phenomenon here.  You are no one if you don't have a favorite group or singer.  The same could be said for their popular TV shows, though not to the same extent.

Something in favor of the K Pop groups is that their concents are all action.  They have choreographed dance routines beyond what American groups accomplish.  They don't just stand there or walk back and forth, they put their whole being into the performance.  Their music videos also reflect this.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this group SS501. They are perfectionists in their music world. They have awesome sounding voices, well used, and their message is quite plain to understand even though I don't know the Korean words. I found the music to be full of emotion and passion - a total treat to the ear, and to the eye!

    I personally enjoy costumes. As a group they all appear to be dressed alike, but they actually
    have different shirts. I first noticed it with their moves when their backs would show, the various patterns of style on different singers and dancers. Totally fascinating!

    I rate this group high because of the number of performers and the perfect timing of all the numerous moves that synchronized perfectly while singing as well. Their performances are a work of amazing art! I am glad to have been introduced to their music. Thank you, Teacher Mindy!
