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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


On facebook, a friend has a ministry posting different Psalms to help you get through life.  I really like them.

Last night I was encouraged to claim one not just for a little while... but for life.  I plan to.

Here are more texts that mean a lot to me since I am so faraway from all that is familiar doing my best to live for God.  Each means so much more now after going through hardships than they did when I was innocent of the despair that our lives often hold.

We depend exclusively on God; He's everything we need! ~Psalm 33:20 (RRPV)

God is my Rock and Salvation, my Great Defender; there is nothing that I fear! ~Psalm 62:6 (RRPV) - This is the one I claimed and was challenged to continue to claim.

Lord, teach me how You want me to live so that I may faithfully follow Your divine will for my life.  Give me a heart that desires nothing more than to worship You.  ~Psalm 86:11 (RRPV)

Engulfed by a sea of troubles, I cry out to my Savior!  Hear my cries for help, God; answer my prayers. ~Psalm 130:1-2 (RRPV)

I'm turning my life over to You, God, knowing that You've already rescued me-for You are my ever-faithful Savior.  ~Psalm 31:5 (RRPV)

Your words are a bright beacon blazing a brilliant path through a dark and difficult world.  ~Psalm 119:105 (RRPV)

1 comment:

  1. Mom - Connie L VealOctober 1, 2011 at 5:17 PM

    Treasures for contemplation - often!
