
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


My alien registration card was applied for yesterday.  Reallly excited about that.  Went to the bank today, but found out we have to wait for the card to arrive in order to make a long term bank account.  New policy.  Since the card won't arrive for another three weeks... *sigh*

So am giving my kids finals now since they are out of their regular classes finals.  Hopefully they do well.  When they finish that, they will spend the rest of the year decorating for Christmas.  Yay.


  1. nice, I hope they do well too. I hope you have a pleasant holiday season.


  2. When I saw the title of this blog, I just had to grin, knowing that ARC Captain surely should say something! Hurray! That did happen! :)

    So, dear Alien abroad, another registration process underway to become more "at home" there away from home!

    I am thankful that wherever we are that we can look forward to the day we are really at home in the place Jesus has prepared for us to live!
