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Friday, December 16, 2011

YN36 International Christmas Party

Tonight we held our Christmas party with the students.  It was pretty neat.  We split into two teams.  Amelie and a lot of students decorated and set up the Globish Center.  Emma, Linda, Michael and I set up the Shakespeare room.  We played a mixture of Christian and Christmas music while preparing food.  Also got sidetracked with some students... shuffling!  Then finally it was time to start our party.

Class president opened it up with a few words, the principle talked, prayer, and then we dug into the food.  After that we had the gift exchange, then sent the juniors off with gifts and messages, and then we had our dance.  Michael brought a lot of energy to that.  I joined some students in shuffling.  My own dance routine was a hit.  Hiphop style ;)  Then we played Linda's game of Mission Impossible.  While they were off running all over the school completing the list of missions, we started cleaning up our respective areas.

Then we ended the evening at the auditorium at the candle light service for the juniors... both middle school and high school.  Afterwards there was a lot of hugging and crying.  A lot of them won't see each other again. Graduation seems to be dreaded as much as loved I guess.  Then I finally was able to get off my feet.

But I can't sleep.  Silly me... I had 4 Dr. Peppers and am more awake than I should be :P

1 comment:

  1. I think you are remembering the wonderful evening so much that you are not sleeping! :)
