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Friday, December 23, 2011


Something I find I really like here in South Korea is the wide use of instant drinks.  Coffee packets, tea packets. You just add them to water and drink.  It is always so tasty.

I have always struggled with knowing how much cream and/or sugar to put in my coffee.  I finally found a brand, Gevalia, that I really like.  I only need some creamer and was fine without the sugar.  Obviously I couldn't bring my coffee pot with me so I left all my coffee supplies at grandma's.

Tea was simple for me to make.  Stick the tea bag or tea container into the cup, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes (I like it strong) and then drink.  No sugar necessary for me.

Now I am in Korea where all these wonderful packets sit on the store shelves.  I have plenty to choose from.  They are the right mix and combination.  I am glad.  I first started with coffee that had chocolate in it.  So yummy and a great way to help one feel better if lonely or cold.  Then today (because of my sore throat) I bought more tea and discovered that they also come in instant packets.  I had been using peppermint tea, but picked up a few others including lemon.  Also got some honey.  Anyrate, I made pomegranate first and sipped my warm drink.  I was surprised at how sweet and yummy it was.  No wonder Koreans consider tea dessert.  Now I have a cup of raspberry tea.  The packet is perfect for the normal cup size of 8 ounces!

1 comment:

  1. What people like to drink seems to be a big issue in the marketing industry. I am thankful that you are finding items in a number of categories that you like very well. Just think if you were teaching in a small school on a tiny island......
