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Sunday, December 11, 2011

English Dorms

Tonight after supper I was chilling on my computer when a knock came at my door.  Getting up, I opened it to find two girls standing there.  They said there was a potluck at the English girls dorm.  So I grabbed my shoes and ran over.  It was in honor of the juniors who are graduating from middle school to high school.  There was so much food... and I had already eaten!!  I took a plate though, since they made me go through line first.  Teacher Martin came behind me so I asked him what a lot of it was.  I recognized the crab and didn't touch that, but there was plenty of other options.

After that we all went to the boys English dorm and watched a movie.  "Knight and Day" starring Tom Cruise.  Needless to say, the girls went wild during several scenes.  There was Korean subtitles so they understood most of the movie.  Now I am sitting in my apartment stuffed full wondering how I am supposed to even move.

1 comment:

  1. That was very lovely the students invited you to their special event that they put together. Sounds like the girls' dorm did a lot of work to prepare the big meal. I find it interesting that these students' celebration of passage to a new education level is not too much unlike what would be found at an Adventist academy in the United States.

    Very nice!
