
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Some More Transportation Firsts

I decided to go to Daegu by myself today.  Took a bus, then took the subway.  Watched the movie "Breaking Dawn Part 1," then took the subway, took the bus, took a taxi, and arrived home.

Simple right?  Sorta was.  I got lost using the subway portion of my trip... twice.  So skipped out on the Australian steaks I was going to pick up for lunch and went straight to the movie.  Was so grateful to recognize the theater.

A high school girl sat with me and walked me out.  She knew English fairly well.  Her mother teaches English.  She thought I was in high school too.  The pigtail braids I think did that.  She was mortified to learn I was a teacher instead of a student.  I told her it wasn't a big deal as that was a common occurance with me.  Not entirely true, but I wanted to save face and help her feel more normal.  Don't want to cause more stress on any student right now since it is finals... last thing I want to do is somehow help someone feel bad enough to kill themselves.  Oh Korea, really?

Got back without a hitch.  Grateful for that.  Koreans are really nice and helpful.  I was looking a bit lost several times and those nearby immediately hurried over to help.  I understand more now why those who speak Spanish sometimes look a little lost in America.  I wish I knew Spanish so I could help them with simple things like where to go and what stuff on the grocery shelf is.

Being here has shown me that new cultures are not an easy thing.  I cling to my western culture quite a bit.  It is a sense of familiarity and provides stability with so many new overwhelming things.  So I can understand the people of other cultures who come to America would feel a bit in shock and insecure.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an adventuresome day!
