
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Break Plans

I have had several questions come my way about what I will be doing between school semesters from Dec 23 to the end of February.  Well, it is really hard to say.  A lot of my plans have fallen through.  So I don't know anymore what I am doing for Christmas.  I was going to go to Palgone Mountain with a group, but not enough signed up that we are aware of.  So they are planning to cancel it.

For about three weeks in January I will be teaching classes for winter camp.  I have two conversation classes in the afternoon from about 1pm to 3pm.  I might be able to pick up two more to teach in the late morning.  Waiting to hear back from a high school Korean teacher on that.

I am starting a masters course in January.  I will be focusing on that through January and February.

I have two or three days in the beginning of February to teach conversation classes.

Junior graduation to attend.

And then nothingness for two or three weeks... so focus on my masters course.

During this time, I plan to create a more thorough curriculum for several of the classes.  I was thinking social studies... maybe literature.  If we don't find more English teachers, they most likely will cut the culture classes so I will probably prefer to focus on the literature classes.  However it works out, I plan to find ways to stay busy!

1 comment:

  1. Life seems to have many twists and turns. Now that you are a grown, professional adult, you and your twin brother, it is even more head-spinning to keep up with you as your activities are so diverse and interesting and far away to where I can be a part of it by looking at pics and emails and phone calls and this blog. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences. Your life is full, whether or not it always feels that way.
