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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dwight Nelson

I spent Christmas Eve, and my Sabbath, watching an online sermon by Dwight Nelson.  I really like this pastor and the thoughts that he brings to the table.  However, I also am suspicious of pastors and their intentions.  Some are genuinely interested in humanity and helping us know Jesus better.  Others think they are, but in reality want to take what they learned in theology school and transplant it into your brain.  I'm not fond of the latter but run across them every now and then.

As I was saying, I enjoy listening to Dwight Nelson.  A relative of mine asked me some weeks ago concerning a post I had made.  I had been enthusiastic about what I had learned from Dwight Nelson regarding the angel Gabriel.  She asked if it was biblical.  I said of course, since there had been texts for everything he had said.  I encouraged her to go research it for herself.  Well it has been bothering me so I started that sermon over with the studyguide printed out and ready.

I didn't even get halfway through when I depressedly stopped.  He has good ideas.  I can see the gears in the brain turning.  However, some of what he claims is in the Bible wasn't there when I looked them up.  Some of what he said was fact, well, according to my New King James Version Bible isn't specific.  It doesn't say one way or the other.  It was simple assumption.  Other things he said were on the mark and I am appreciative for those insights as they help me understand God better.  So mixed blessing.

After writing down notes and going back and forth, I feel that even if you love your pastor and trust him... you should still look it up for yourself.  I can't ask Nelson any questions as he is from a big church across the ocean.  I can pray though for direction and keep studying.  That is what I intend to do.


  1. There is a bit of spiritual imagination that is put into sermons, it is not a bad thing a lot of perspective comes from the use of outside sources (commentaries and EGW) and the use of spiritual guidance that the Holy Spirit provides.

  2. But this one really bothers me. I mean I could see where he was coming from, but it really bothered me. I could believe that the two angels in Luke 24:4, John 20:11, and Acts 1:10 were the two guardian cherubs that flank either side of God's throne. However, the angels that ministered to Jesus after the 3 temptations were plural with no specific number. Also in the garden when Jesus was praying for His life, Luke wrote "an angel" helped Him. Luke is the only Gospel writer to point out Gabriel by name, yet he didn't here. So I think that this would support it wasn't Gabriel. Yet Nelson is saying that all these angels were Gabriel. Even the one that rolled away the stone. It is a nice concept... having a personal best friend angel that you created. However, I think that there are many other angels who helped too.

  3. It bothers me because he says a text says something, but when I look it up it doesn't say that at all. He didn't use any other sources.

    1. One thing that preachers have for insights into Scripture understanding is that they have had education into the original languages used for the English translations. While one word in one verse is the same word in another verse in our English-printed Bibles, looking up in the Exhaustive Concordance, one can find the original language word meaning. Thus it helps to define and create credibility for knowing what God intended His people to learn - a wonderful thing in this day of technology and of mass printing of books and the freedom to research the Scriptures, and yes, finding out that there is more than meets the naked eye, and sometimes the word used in one place in Scripture has a totally different meaning in the original languages in another part of Scripture. Yes, we need to study for ourselves. And I accept and hold inspiration from the pen of Ellen G White as credible testimony that can enhance our learning of the Scriptures' teachings. I think it is a good thing for preachers to acknowledge when they use a person's word for truth in their sermons. It would help many, I believe to know what is from the Bible and what is gleaned from other sources.

  4. I recieved a devotional book by Nelson at a Christmas concert the other night. I haven't started it yet (it starts Jan 1st), but I asked Dad what he thought of Nelson. He said he liked him as a preacher (not stonchy but interesting). I have a hard time listening to most preachers because they're "take what they learned in theology school and transplant it into your brain" as you put it :) I do agree however, that you must hold your pastor accountable. Even though they might be wrong, with the guiding of the Holy Spirit, you can learn what is true! :)

  5. I understand that mom. Most preachers explain what the original word used was, what it meant for various things, how this sentence was meant to be... and so on. He didn't... therefore opening himself up to criticism by his lack of unpreparedness by both Christians and non Christians. Also, someone looking to join a church might write SDA off because D. Nelson looked hypocritical in his sermon.
