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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


"My baby has bright ears," Teacher Oh told me today on our way to the immigration office.  I sat there wondering if that meant "clean ears," "big ears," or something else.  He asked if I knew what that meant.  I didn't.  There is a common Korean phrase that translates as someone having bright ears.  This means that they hear things easily when asleep and wake up.  So his baby is a light sleeper and wakes up at the slightest noise.  Got it!

1 comment:

  1. That was very nice that Teacher Oh shared his baby news with you! Parents are always very excited about the new discoveries they and their baby make and want to tell the world of the glowing progress.

    In this case, I would say that he found a polite way to let the listener conclude that his baby is awake much of time when he and his wife would prefer to be asleep at night, even if the common phrase there for that is "having bright ears".

    A dear lady friend of mine yesterday told me that I have agate eyes. I looked up from the beach and smiled and returned to my search for little treasures. My husband, however, loved the expression and endorsed it laughingly. Be sure to compliment the Oh family on their wonderful baby's special gift of being in their lives!
