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Monday, December 19, 2011

Out with the old and in with the new...?

Well I guess everyone is aware now that Kim Jong Il is dead.  North Korea is on a delicate balance at the moment.  Though there is a chosen heir, the possibility of a power struggle is very high.  Let us pray this danger stays in North Korea.  Though that is questionable as there are already rumors of a missile strike in Seoul.  Waiting to see what happens.  United States of America is looking really good at the moment.  I'm ready to come home if the need arises.  However, God placed me here so if He wants me to stay put then I will.


1 comment:

  1. We have been watching the news carefully these past few months, knowing the ailing leader was dying and that he had named an heir to be his successor for the job of ruling Korea. When the news came through that he had died, we have been even more attentive, wondering what steps might have to be taken to cover getting you to a safer place if things were to implode. Prayers a'plenty!
