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Sunday, December 11, 2011

lunar eclipse

Saturday just after 9:30pm, a complete lunar eclipse started taking place.  I have seen lunar eclipses before, the most notable memory being in college where a friend and I slipped out of the dorm at 2am to view it.  And take silly pictures of our not-so-awake faces.  Anyrate, last night I kept track of the moon through my bathroom window.  When it had a good portion covered, she put on a coat and slippers so I could go outside.  Knocked on Linda's door and we stood there talking and watching our breathe freeze in the air.  It was cold.  So we went back inside.  A little later she came and got me so we could see the whole moon complete in shadow.  I never can decide if during an eclipse the moon be orange or brown.  Not that it matters.  It is just random trivia.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it feel great to know you were part of a large audience of many peoples who lived in the right places able to see this special event?!!!

    Much appreciation for your sharing about it to those of us who did not see it!
