
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Friday, December 2, 2011


So I had to go get my physical today.  There is only one hospital in Daegu willing to help with getting the alien registration card.  So we went there.  Teacher Oh helped me walk through to all the places we needed to visit.  Got tests done and my height confirmed.  I am evidently 172 cm or something like that.  There were no lines and that was doubly nice.  Was in and out in less than 20 minutes and that says something.  Was expensive though.  About 72,000 won... which is about $65.  Actually in America that is cheap, but here for me now it is expensive because I haven't been paid my next paycheck yet ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember how much fun your 3rd-grade teacher and you and your fellow classmates had about her being an "alien"?
    I think big imaginations in children were going at full steam at that time. Fortunately, your teacher knew children well and led the fun with the fact that she was a teacher with residency from another nation. She was a great teacher! Glad you had a number of good role models for the career you have chosen to pursue!
