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Monday, December 19, 2011

Speech Contest

Today at the auditorium, Michael and Linda were the judges for the speeches the students gave.  Between sets of speeches, I went up and asked questions.  Basically between that and a raffle the kids got a lot of presents.  It was fun.  However the whole thing was like two hours long so it got a bit old.  It was also impromptu so I was really uncertain of what was to happen when.  Good thing Teacher Oh was there to tell me what to do and say when.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the coaching Teacher Oh gave you is what someone replacing Vannah White on Wheel of Fortune would have to go through - she has her job perfected down beautifully, but if she retired from that job, then someone else would have pretty big shoes to fill replacing her. There just doesn't seem like a Wheel of Fortune could exist without Vannah or Pat. You had your first task to get acquainted with and you are going to continually be learning protocol till it is second nature, as natural as breathing. Great fun in your new nook for personal lifelong learning!
