
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I have had an unexpected birthday so far.  Last night, I went out to eat at the Outback Steakhouse.  Everyone was busy and will be very busy for the next day or two so I figured I would go by myself.  However Teacher Michael and his girlfriend met up with me there and we had a good evening.  It was nice.

Then today I was surprised at worship with a cake and candle.  Well, not a cake really.  Think of little debbie snack cakes stacked in a pretty way with a candle stuck in.  Easy to serve ^_^  I made my wish and blew out the candle.

Throughout the day, students said happy birthday, sang happy birthday, played happy birthday songs, and gave me notes wishing me the best.  It was amazing.  And another cake like the one earlier appeared and they sang it all over again and I blew out the candles and made the same wish again.

I wished for something that I figured I could have.  The principle already expressed a desire for me to not go home this coming break, so I didn't wish for that.  My brother is in the states and soon to deploy, so I couldn't wish for him or other family/friends to be here.  I stayed with something more practical.  If I do my research and see if it is possible, then my wish might come true!  If it does, I will tell you.

Now the day is coming to an end.  This has been a pretty neat birthday.  So many have expressed their good wishes for me.  There have been some testimonies and confessions of how much I mean to them.  So sweet.  Today was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. And your family was remembering your birthday too. At the dinner after church when we all sang Happy Birthday to Johnny, there was an extra with a special ending phrase added on, "And Mindy too!" Just like we did after singing Happy Birthday on your birthday for Johnny and the special dinner to celebrate. The cake and ice cream were great! I figured you would like to know the whole church was able to celebrate both of your birthdays and remember you too even though you are far away.
