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Thursday, December 29, 2011


I am so grateful I stocked up on teas.  When I first got sick, I was pretty worried since I forgot to bring cough syrup with me.  Indeed it was a hard few days there.  I kept gargling salt water, drinking nice warm and soothing teas, and taking hot showers.  Anything and everything to be able to breathe easier.  In Korea, when you are sick you have to deal with it.  You still go about your day even if your temperature is 102.5 and your throwing up.  That is the way life is here.  The only exception is if your in the hospital.

The reason?  How else will they know you are diligent.

Thankfully, this week was my vacation.  And those teas my lifesavor.  Each cup I drank, I could feel it making it easier to breathe.  More like each sip.  It is partially just from being warm.  I think the warm water alone would have done good.  Also though, I think tea has some very good healing properties.  And yes, I put in my honey.  I have gotten plenty of advice.  I don't know why honey works.  It does though.  If your sick, drink a warm drink with honey in it.  Lemon too if you can handle that.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had teas and honey even if you didn't have cough syrup. You are always in my thoughts and prayers! Luv ya!
