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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Staff Party

Today was such a crazy and unplanned day.  Classes canceled, classes switched, students asking complicated questions, take-out supper, lots of Monopoly Deal.  However the biggest surprise was after supper at 6pm.  We went to an event held by the school.  All the staff here at YoungNam SahmYook academy gathered for games and a raffle.  Everyone got something in the raffle (prizes being things you use around the house like tissues, sesame oil, and laundry detergent.)  I won deordorizer containers.  A lady near me won kimchi containers.  Michael won vegetable rinse and serve containers.  We played a championship style series of games.  The game involves sticks that you throw on a blanket.  Depending how they land determines how your team can move their pawns on the "game board."  It reminds me of the board game "Sorry."  There was tons of food to eat.  Mandarins, crackers and chips that you can only find in South Korea, small lotto chocolates, and juice.  I definitely had my fair share of chocolates and such.  However I got in quite a few cups of orange juice so I wasn't COMPLETELY unhealthy ;)  On our way out, we each got a package of toilet paper... which is 30 rolls. Your set for several months on that :)  Saves money and time too.  Those aren't easy to carrying from E Mart on the bus.


  1. Sounds like you had fun. Im really glad.

    1. Aren't nice surprise a lot of fun! Sounds like a lot of work went into entertaining the teachers for the evening. Glad you had such a nice time. Did the school offer delivery service of you and your gifts to your home?~ Ha!

      That was a very nice party! So glad they take such good care of their teachers there.
