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Monday, November 7, 2011

Care Package

So my wonderful and amazing twin brother sent me a box with much wanted book as well as things from our childhood.

I was walking back to the school building when some students yelled, "Teacher Mindy!  Teacher Mindy!"  They had a box... ooooh I ran and gladly took it from them and all but ran to the office of a friend.  I was kneeling on her floor carefully using a pair of scissors to open the box.  Then I started to pull stuff out.  When I got to the Christmas stocking, I lost it.

In order to hide my face I bent over and let my long hair surround me.  When I could decently control my features, I sat up and explored memories my twin and I have made together over the years.  Christmas ornaments, zoid toys, and even toe socks.

Precious notes and letters were also included.  I decided if I was having trouble not crying over items then I better wait until later to read the letters.  It really made my day.  I had no idea a few items would impact me like that.  I had convinced myself I was superhuman in the emotion department and able to be stoic in anything.  Nope.

When you are far away from loved ones, it will have an affect on you.  You may not notice it in the same ways as others, but the changes are there.  Keeping in touch is important.


  1. Wow! The package arrived in one week!

    I was impressed with the list of things he had sent when he and I were talking on the phone the other evening.

    Also, what the price for mailing turned out to be. Good to know what to expect!

    Now, that I know shipping costs, and know that you have a Costco there to visit as needed, I can adjust some things in the box I am sending - something to take out and other things I wanted to send to fit in instead.

    I don't feel so bad now that I had missed getting to the Post Office during last week. Johnny has already made the first test run for me to know what to expect.

    It is fun putting the box together. It has been a lot of fun through the past weeks collecting items I think you will like.

    I am so glad I have twins who care so much for each other. You have made each other as comfortable and comforted as possible through the years and extended that to others beyond!

    Look out, world! Twins are making a difference to everyone they can!

    Enjoy every bit of your care package from your twin brother! He worked very hard to make it just right for you and it shows he truly cares and loves you very much!
