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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Planning Japan

So today has been really busy.  With the ES Visa information collected and approved by the Korean government, I am now ready for the next phase of my life here.  Getting the V2 Visa.  This requires going to Japan.  How long can that take right?

Long enough surprisingly.  Originally I would leave Sunday morning and come back Monday night.  However, upon learning that you can't get the visa the same day you apply, that had to change.  The Korean embassy isn't open on weekends you see.  So I will be leaving here at 5am to get to a bus station in Daegu.  I will ride to Buson and take a plane to Osaka, Japan.  I will go straight to the embassy and apply for the visa.  Then I can go find a hotel and crash or walk around.  I want to sleep well that night, so more likely will walk around or something.  Japan is super expensive so I won't be able to do much.

Then Monday I can hopefully get the interview out of the way, get my visa, and get back to the airport.  Catch my plane back to Buson.  Call Teacher Oh and let him know when my bus leaves.  Climb on and get home in time to go to sleep.  That is the plan.  What actually happens... better be according to plan ;)


  1. I hope you get to see lots of interesting things and take lots of cool pictures the way you already know how to do so well. Safe journeys, Teacher! And may you have success in the plans made for you to get your visa cared for!

    Do they have any nuclear plants in Osaka? ....JK :)

    Don't forget that something made of silk from Japan would be a nice item to have to remember the trip from there!

    Safe journeys!

  2. Japan is expensive, sadly. I'll be lucky to get anything extra. It is going to cost me a fortune just to go. *sigh* But I am eager to go just for the memories.
