
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nick Name

My sophomore conversation class is a very interesting class.  Most days I want to yank my hair out, yank theirs out, and the roots too.  However, every now and then they surprise me.  A kind note or something sweet.

Today was no exception.  Actually today went well all things considering.  However an added twist to it made it most humorous.

In Korea, evidently calling someone by their first name is considered bad manners and poor taste if not downright rude.  The Korean students have English names and I learned why we can call them by those names and be okay.  Those are nicknames.

The students added the element today that in Korea (supposedly) you call people by a nickname.  It is better that way.  The boys had given me a nickname.  I was no longer Teacher Mindy.  One in particular told me to not be offended.  It was okay here.  I was now Teacher Minda.

To help you understand the humor, the other English teacher's name is Teacher Linda.  I asked about her.  What would her nickname be.  They responded promptly with Teacher Lindy.  They switched the vowels of our last names.  (Yes, sometimes "y" is a vowel.)  She and I bursted up laughing.

NOTE:  I have permission from both the other teachers here to use their real names in this blog.  I do my best to protect the identity of those who are not writing this, but sometimes things spill ;)


  1. That is funny, Teacher Mindy!

    So, are you going to let your students know that in America you have had a number of nicknames, including Peanut (& Filbert - for your twin brother Johnny),
    TinyTot (& TeenyBop), Gabby (& Goofus), Peaches (& Pumpkin), DearHeart (& SweetiePie), and SnuggleBug (& CuddlyDuddly)!

    And more, I am sure. There is a time frame that goes back on these, so remembering all of them is a big job!

    Cute how the students have switched the last letter for Linda and you. At least they did not switch with Michael too - Miky, Lindael, and Mindael..... :)

  2. Plus the nickname you yourself chose which initials are used for your blog identity! :)

  3. Please don't give them ideas!! They would snatch upon them so fast! Though Mindael sounds kinda cool... I might use that in a story :)
