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Friday, November 18, 2011

Fudgy the Bear

Okay so, I bought a big stuffed bear.  Just thought I would say so right off the bat.  Now the story.

We went to Costco today to do some Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping before they ran out of stuff.  While we were there, we came across these huge big teddy bears.  These guys are as tall and taller than most Korean. I'm about half a foot to a foot taller, but definitely not bigger around than it.  You know I have a weak spot in my heart for these guys.  And they were surprisingly cheap.  I fell in love.  And you guessed, bought one.  They had light brown and dark brown.  I went with the dark brown this time and Teacher Oh asked what I would name it.  I suggested brownie.  Teacher Linda pointed out that it was a fudge brownie because it is so dark.  She then said she nicknamed it Fudgy.  So Fudgy it is!  I bet if I took that guy on a plane, they would charge an extra ticket!  So he is probably staying here when the day comes where I return to the US.  But that is at least a year away.  For now I am super happy to have him!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the family, Fudgy! May never meet except perhaps by picture and to see you being exuberantly greeted and adopted by somebody special there when Teacher Mindy decides to go where you may not be able to follow. Enjoy every day you have with her and give her lots of huggy smiles and fudgy hugs! Teacher Mindy is a special lady and I am glad she has found your friendship!
