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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


In Korea, dairy products beyond eggs are rare and expensive.  It is just not a part of their diet.  This is reflected in what the cafeteria serves.  We don't have milk or cheese often.  Since I am sensitive to milk, cheese, and ice cream and must monitor how much of this I eat to avoid getting sick, this wasn't a problem.

However, I am finding on the rare occasions that I do drink milk, that I don't care for it much anymore.  It tastes okay, I suppose.  But smells absolutely rotten.  I have to taste test all milk now to know if it is good or not because my sense of smell betrays me.

I still love cheese with my pasta, but I am using a lot less than I have in the past.  I want the extra flavor it gives, but it is easier and easier to moderate how much.

My weakness is still ice cream.  I decided I best not even stock it in my freezer.  It is gone too quickly for me to be happy because I know it will show up on my waistline.

I don't mind these changes.  I hope that I am a better person for it.


  1. I am surprised there isn't at least goat milk. It seems that goat milk is easier on the stomach, if I remember right, and its cheese (feta) is very good (makes great alfredo sauce!).

    Maybe you can get some ice cream for your birthday to go with your cake! :)

  2. I hate giving up ice cream too! Though I found Coconut milk ice cream that's good, it's just not the same!. The milk smells rotten to me too so it's not just you. I have been told that if you're lactose intolerant, goat's milk is just as bad for you as cow's milk. I'm hoping my dairy-free pumpkin pie will turn out well this Thanksgiving!
