
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week of Prayer

This week has been Week of Prayer.  This means chapel everyday instead of just Tuesdays.  Chapel is hard just like church because everything is in Korean.  Our translators are only students.  They get tired, confused, frustrated, and anxious while trying to listen to him, translate, and then tell us.  Understandable.

So to have chapel everyday was taxing on them.  However, it was surprisingly a blessing too.  The stories the speaker had were good, for what parts we understood.  He had been a missionary in several places including Japan.  Turns out that he shocked the students with pictures of bathrooms in Japan.  The bathrooms had a bathtub in them.  The students had never seen the like.  Now I know what to take pictures of back home ;)

Today was our last day with the speaker.  Before Sabbath School, he came to the back row where we were sitting and asked us if we could understand his talks.  We explained that the students translated for us.  He asked if we liked them, and we said yes.  He knows English because he is a graduate of this school and was a missionary in the Philippians.  Nice guy.

Also learned that Koreans can't hear a difference between i and e.  So keys and kiss sound the same to them.  Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone know where the keys disappeared to? !!!! :)
