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Monday, November 14, 2011

Care Package

So my mom sent me a really big box.  This time students didn't even attempt to bring it to me, I had to go get it.  It was worth every single step up the stairs.  Once safely in my office, I opened it up carefully savoring the joy and suspence.  The first thing I found was a book I didn't know she could get so quickly, "Humble Hero" an adaptation of the Desire of Ages in today's language.  I really wanted my own copy, and now I have it!

Then came stockings with their Christmas surprises!  Oh the joy!  I love Christmas so much and the colors of these stockers were the richest and more gorgeous of colors.  By this time I'm feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to continue.  Did I really carrying this upstairs?

I came across favorite candies and chocolates.  I discovered why it weighed so much, blessed Linkettes were included.  Though I forgot to mention it, there was even McKay's chicken styled seasoning!  Now cooking will be so much easier!!

And the Christmas lights.  There are boxes and boxes of gorgeous Christmas lights, a must for the holiday season.  Granted, I'll need to go find a power converter and a plug adapter for them, but the joy when they light up my place!

I enjoyed reading the cards that they sent to me.  Full of warm wishes and love.  It was enjoyable to hear from them and the encouragement that flew through the miles straight to my heart.  And then hiding inside of a box were my Swedish clogs.  Since I am wearing a lot of red  today, I am seriously tempted to change from my shoes to the clogs.

It was a very pleasant surprise, though when I saw how much it cost to mail, I was in bit of a shock.  Yes, I'm celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year early, and I don't mind one bit.

1 comment:

  1. So glad it all got there safely! It was packaged with lots of love! :)
