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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Plans

About a week or two ago.  Teacher Linda and I began planning our Thanksgiving meal.  We talked about what to do and who should come.  We decided to have us three English teachers and our Korean assistants be the ones there.  We planned what to make and what we needed to buy.  The top most thing being a turkey.

In order to even find half of what was on our list, we would have to go to Costco.  Some of the items we would have to make ourselves... like dressing.  Turkey is hard to find here, unless you go to a western-like store.  That would be Costco.  There are no buses, trains, or subways that go close to Costco, so we are reliant on Teacher Oh.

I asked Teacher Oh if he would take us.  I got out a calender, showed when Thanksgiving was, and said we needed to go to Costco by that date.  I explained we really wanted a Turkey, and a few other things.  So he arranged between classes last Friday for us to go.  We had fun picking out stuff for the Christmas party and hunting for our Turkey.  And man did we hunt.  We found a turkey but it was like $80.  We wondered if that wasn't just a bit expensive and decided not to get it.  We found turkey breast and almost bought that... but decided it was okay.  We wouldn't get it.  We did get our pumpkin pie, dinner rolls, and a few other things and told Teacher Oh we were really excited for Thanksgiving.

Monday night I went to E Mart to pick up fixings for a salad and to make my own dressing.  I will have to bake some cubed bread for the dressing.  I also plan to make mashed potatoes and gravy.  We are all really excited to have an American styled Thanksgiving meal.

Today I got a message from Teacher Oh saying I shouldn't make plans for dinner on Nov. 24.  Tomorrow.  I asked if that was lunch or supper... because different people refer to it for different meals.  He said supper.  He would tell me when and where later.  I sat there surprised.  What about our plans?  I talked to Teacher Linda.  She told him we had plans.  He asked if those plans were with the other foreign teachers (Michael and me).  She said yes, they were made over a week ago.  "Remember the turkey hunt?"  He said next time we should make an appointment.

Communication isn't the best attribute at this school.  It appears we might have to move our own plans to Friday.  Not sure how this is going to work.  I'm trying to shrug it off.  But it is harder for the other two and I understand why.  Just wish that there was better communication.  Though I have to admit, they gave us better warning that they did last time.


  1. Be sure and let me know if you end up with a turkey after all! :O

    And who knows if it really is a turkey and if they cook so differently, what would it or something similar to it turn out like?

    This is intriguing and sounds like an adventure coming your way! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. They decided to take us out next week instead... probably Outback steakhouse...
