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Friday, November 4, 2011

Costco Trip

Today we finally went to Costco.  I've been paid so I was eager to go see what I could add to my apartment.  Particularly in the area of food.

A friend and I got a ride to Jain where we hopped a bus to the train station.  Missed the train by two minutes because the bus had been late by 10 minutes.  So we hung out until the next train came by... 45 minutes later.  Hopped on and arrived 9 minutes later where we could more cheaply get a taxi to take us to Costco.

We ran into two Korean who knew English well.  The older one talked to her while the younger one talked to me.  She asked if we were mother and daughter... no, just English teachers.  She was curious if I was from Hawaii (thanks to the Mauna Kea shirt I was wearing) but no, I am from Kansas.  It was nice to talk to them and we parted happy.  Turns out they are Jehovah's witnesses.

At Costco we start walking around.  You know those stuffed animals that can unfold into pillows?  They had those there... supersized!  I wanted to get one so bad.  Good thing I didn't, no room in the car of the person who picked us up.

Anyrate, got to the level where the food is at and started walking around.  I was in heaven.  Normal looking stuff!  Then after a few minutes I exclaimed, "Wait!  I can read everything!  Well, everything but that."  There are some Korean stuff there.  Mostly though, ENGLISH!!!

Some of the things they had were the same brands and completely American.  I got mashed potatoes though, and we are worried it is the Korean version.  They like mayo in their potatoes.  Also got my beloved Dr. Pepper.  The ride back was less than smooth so I won't be opening any of the cans until tomorrow, which is a good thing since it is nearing bedtime.

Overall it was a great trip.  Like the Costco back in the states, they lived up to their reputation in the food court.  Same pizza (trust me, that is hard to pull off over here), same berry drinks, and sadly same about of oil floating on top ;)

We are happily back and tucked in.  I have put everything away to some degree.  My apartment doesn't have much in the way of shelves so I have a lot of it stacked on the table.  You will find most Korean dwellings the same size as mine so now big.  Did I mention I got Dr. Pepper?


  1. Im glad you had fun. I hope you enjoy the food. <3

  2. Ah, so no need to ever send a care package with Dr. Pepper in it ....... Just Kidding! I wouldn't; you already know that! :) Now, if they offered it in powder form for you to reconstitute, well, then, maybe....? !!!!
    I ate some yummy berries this morning thinking of the berry drink treats. Good memories and great berries today.
    You need me to come and build you some shelving space? I have experience, you know. :)
    Glad you have found another place to access familiar shopping items that you are used to.
