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Monday, November 7, 2011


Woke up this morning, took a shower, and was chilling until breakfast when I heard a pop sound from my bathroom.  Thinking, "What now," I opened the bathroom door and looked inside.  Without my glasses, I couldn't see anything.  However I could hear a spraying sound.

Turns out a pipe like thing under my sink for the hot water had a hole in it somehow and was spraying everywhere.  I sent a quick email and a friend came over and turned a valve that turned off the water.  She told me that help would fix it later.  Uh... I immediately began cleaning my little place so it wasn't a disaster zone.

I'm currently sitting in my apartment on my bed feeling very much awkward while two guys work on it.  They wanted me here while they were in my apartment.  I rather not be.  Stranger shyness problems.  Anyrate, they are good natured and it appears it is almost fixed.  Glad about that since it means my sink/shower will be working again :)


  1. Well, at least the maintenance workers didn't ask for you to test it out for them to see that it worked - HA! :)

    I am so glad that I was not at our apt when Steve explained to the management that the toilet seat in my bathroom had cracked and split apart. I well remember the years back when that happened to him, but never in my wildest dreams thought it would happen to me. Was SO glad I wasn't there during the annual inspection.

    Except for one thing. I would have raised a concern about their approval being so fine that they had to invent a job for Steve to do in the apartment. They told him he has to take off all the metal heater vents, one in each room, and to wipe the dust out of the insides. Then to remove the vent plate on the ceiling of each bathroom and clean the dust out of each of those places - but not to use a wet cleaning cloth as one of the women from the office helping with inspections was shocked by electricity when she used a wet cleaning cloth.

    That job sounds to me like a job for maintenance, which lives on grounds for the 101 apartments, and we could reasonably expect to have access to a ladder to reach the ceilings and to work up there. And to know how to avoid electrical injuries while servicing the apartment. I am hot about that subject, having been electrocuted before due to an improper wiring job someone had done in a workplace. I wish I knew where to look up the list of renters' rights and see what it has listed as duties for tenants vs management.

    It is good that you were present when the maintenance workers repaired your plumbing problem. If you felt that something of yours had been missing afterwards, you would rest assured that you had just misplaced it rather that to jump to any conclusions that maybe it had been "borrowed".

  2. I was wondering.......

    So do maintenance workers carry bathroom slippers with them wherever they go, in case they have to repair something in an apartment like yours?

    How does that work?

    I mean, there are surely bathrooms in numerous locations on campus. Does everyone carry bathroom slippers with them everywhere for their use whenever they are not at their home where their bathroom is at?

  3. I have bathroom slippers in my bathroom, so he used mine. The bathrooms in public places like school and a store don't require bathroom slippers... there isn't a shower or a washing machine in those locations...
