
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Korean students have interesting habits.

1.  They come to school even when they are sick.  Yes, that includes temperature.

2.  They don't use chapstick.

I can understand being so hard working that you go until you in your death bed.  The chapstick thing is beyond me though.  Evidently it is so expensive or something over here that they don't use it.

Results: sniffling and coughing kids running to get tissues for their bleeding lips.

I am so tempted to get them all chapstick for my birthday.  Backwards I know, but man alive!  Who likes running around with bleeding lips?

Let's see:
1 literature class: 16 students?
3 culture classes: 44 students?
2 conversation classes: 30 students?

90 things of chapstick!  Or maybe not...  that wasn't even including when I co-teach for other teachers... and those classes are bigger...  that would probably be around $300 for just my classes wouldn't it :P

But bleeding lips... wow.


  1. It is hard to not jump in when we want to help others - sounds like this would be a great group project.....buying enough lip ointment for each student. Poor kids! That is a tough one.

    We take so much for granted here in the states, don't we?!!!

  2. They choose not to buy it for whatever reason. Chapstick is about 3,000 won. Vaseline is 1,500 won. Not that much difference.
