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Friday, October 14, 2011


As we all know, in the United States we have a lot of white eggs in grocery stores.  They are so big.  If you want organic or brown eggs, they cost a pretty penny if you can even find them.

Here is South Korea, all the eggs are brown.  Should the event occur where white eggs are found, and it is unlikely, then they are extremely expensive.  

In the cafe, all boiled eggs are brown.  Fried eggs are yellow and brown.  It takes some getting used to.  They look like they were steamed too long. 

This morning we experienced something even more unusual for a western.  Small, little quail eggs.  Wow.


  1. You ate quail eggs?

  2. Well... everyone but I did. I just didn't have the nerve. Also I don't like how the eggs here taste after they prepare them. At least not whole eggs. They aren't like our boiled eggs at all.

  3. quail eggs are considred to be awesome on a lot of the cooking shows i've watched, but considering my adversion to runny yolks i understand not taking their word for it.
