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Friday, October 14, 2011

Sports Day

Today we had no school.  The entire school (except junior high schoolers) participated all day in sports!

There was so many activities: calisthenics, tug of war, hula hoops, jump rope, soccer goalie shots, dodge ball, free throw baskets, kickball, soccer, relays, obstacle course, and many more.  I was only out there an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.  So these are only the activities I saw them competing in.

It started bright and early.  They are big on ceremony.  They had a lot of fun.  For the obstacle course, the girls had to get items from the crowd part way through and take those to the finish line.  Teachers was one "item" and I got to run it :)  It was fun.

The parents provided lunch.  Oh so nice and tasty!  We got free gifts too :)

The students got prizes.  It was a lot of fun.

When I wasn't there, I was in my office writing lesson plans and creating tests for next week :P


  1. This sounds like a very fun day for the school there! What kind of foods did the parents bring? And what kind of gifts?
    Sounds like a good day for all!

  2. The parents made noodles, side dishes that are good but I don't know what they are... vegetables, fried stuff, green stuff..., hamburgers, but not what you are used to here, and a lot of fruit.

    The students got gifts for all kinds of reasons: shampoo, tissues, umbrella, and other random stuff you need in your daily life.

    The teachers got pink towels with the school name and '59. It is the 59 year anniversary of the school being open.

    I want to be here this time again next year.

  3. How AWESOME!
