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Friday, October 21, 2011

Taxi Ride

Last night I went to E Mart for much needed groceries.  In Korea, if you are going to buy something you need to make sure you can carry it.  Dragged stuff out to the curb and got into a taxi.

The taxi driver (didn't know Sahm Yook.... or Namsan... but recognized Jain) started driving back to the school.  As he was driving, I was amused to note that I was in one lane and he was in another.

Then I was thoroughly humored as we ran a red light... and another... and another... and another.

The drivers in South Korea have to be more skilled and aware of what is happening around them than those in the US are for this very reason.  You have someplace to be, you get there as quickly as you can.  And you do it by whatever means necessary.  If there is no one crossing the intersection and no traffic camera... you drive through even if the light is red.

1 comment:

  1. Well,
    I am certainly glad that you do not have a car over there. You would get used to the USA "illegal" driving patterns and find yourself in a pickle when you start to drive again when you are back in the states! I am glad you mentioned that the drivers are more skilled and aware. Some countries I have heard of this kind of thing, they just go, and do not worry about what other vehicles or pedestrians are doing.
