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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Translating Koreans words is a very amusing process.

If you use google, due to the lack of words in the Korean language, you can get some very humorous translations.  Try it sometime :)

In the case of chapel and church, it is up to our English students.  Three are asked so join us three teachers and translate for us.  The first time I was very impressed.  Today, I got insight into how difficult it is for them.  The girl who sat by me told me she was nervous.  I learned why.  She couldn't translate hardly a thing.  It was okay, we have fun otherwise.  I felt bad for her because she felt bad for not being of use.

1 comment:

  1. Communications are so important, aren't they! One translation not made properly can start a war or lead to an erroneous teaching of what the Bible really says!
