
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fr Cul - Cute Story

So my freshmen culture class was a fun bunch today.  They were talking when I started class so I started the first line of the homework star.  Throughout the class, more lines appeared.  Finally we finished the section in their textbooks and got into the workbooks.  As they finished the workbooks, I let them have free time.

Some of the boys playing Monopoly Deal started speaking in Korean.  That is not allowed in an International class where they are to speak only English.  I called out, "Whoa!  Is that Korean I hear?"  I turned and headed to the white board.

Immediately the whole class went into an uproar.  Three of the boys came running up and stood between me and the white board.  More surrounded me.  All of them begging, please, don't do it!

It was too cute!  My darn easy ability to smile and laugh popped up and I busted up laughing.  I shook my head and said no.  I added that if they stopped me, I would start another star.  They scattered.

"Twinkle Twinkle Homework Star..."


  1. Cute is right on!

  2. They are good kids. However it really is in their best interest to practice writing sentences correctly. So the homework really doesn't hurt them.
