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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Exercise - New Place

Yesterday I was going stir crazy in my apartment and the weekend wasn't even half over yet.  I thought about facebooking a fellow English teacher and begging to go for a walk, but figured I better wait until later afternoon.  She had the same idea, and got a hold of me.  We went walking where I hadn't been yet.

We took the road down towards Namsan, but instead of turning towards it, we went the opposite direction.  Lo and behold there was a dam.  Well, not right away.  Went through a small village first.  The reservoir is really low right now but it was so pretty.  The mountains (they are not hills to me) surrounded it and reflected in the water.  There were birds about.  There were random flowers.  It was really pretty.

The walk there and back was also interesting.  Every INCH of spare ground was being used to grow flowers and vegetables.  Small holding pens held cows and those cows will live in those small pens their entire lives.  The people we met were friendly and we somehow managed to talk to each other despite our language barrier.  Arches, walls, and even roof tops had plants on them with gourds, squash, and melons growing down from them.  Yes, I walked under a melon.

It was a good way to get out.  A good way to spend my Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a beautiful place to be - glad you have time to get to enjoy the sights and scenes of your current home-place! I think of you when I see stars at night or gaze at the distant horizon that lies between us and of the song, "Somewhere, out there, beneath the" big, blue sky (?). I think it was in a Disney (?) movie about Faival, the mouse, that immigrated to America and got lost from his family.
