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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lunar New Year

A person's age is different by Korean standards than we are used to.  Everyone has the same birthday.  The Lunar New Year is when it is celebrated.

If you are born in December and a month later is the lunar New Year, then you are a year old.  If you are born a day before, then you are a year old.  In the same way, being born the day after the lunar New Year, you have to just sit tight and wait for the next one to be a year old.

I might be 22 years old in the States.  However here I am 23.  When the New Year comes around, by Korean standards I will be 24.  Interesting isn't it.

1 comment:

  1. And to think there are folks who are sad their birthday is the same day as Christmas, etc., and that they don't get to have a celebration day that is totally about just themselves apart from most others in their lives.
    I like that idea of celebrating birthdays all at once. In fact, I think I will do that this year. When you have a birthday in December, Teacher Mindy, I think I will make it a celebration day for all my kids. You don't suppose Johnny would mind, do you? LOL :D Having twins is special! Life never has a dull moment, X2 !!!!
