
I'm glad you are here to read my blog. I pray your learn more about other cultures and life in general. God bless and keep you!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Game Night

There are times when you realize you have to change up the schedule and do something fun.

Last week I came to that realization.  So I began planning.  We needed a game night and treats.

So we set it up among us English teachers to get together tonight.  Finding out that between us we had or could get the needed ingredients for nonbake cookies and pinwheels, I eagerly offered to make them.

That is the reason the other day for my lone venture to E Mart.  I needed salsa and cream cheese for the pin wheels.

Last night I met over at one of their apartments and cooked.  Tonight we got together, had those plus haystacks, and enjoy rummikube.

An hour and a half later, we were happy, full, and ready for bed.  Yes, it is just after 7pm but we are all tired. It is the end of the week :)


  1. Glad you had a fun evening and treats to enjoy too! So much for sending you "hot spicy red sauce" - sounds like you already have access to our family favorite here in the states. Your care package going out next week will weigh much less! I think you will enjoy the rest of the things collected with your favorite things in mind.

  2. lol, turns out that dill pickles aren't the only sweet things here... they messed up my salsa! It is sweet too! Why? I bought it in the international aisle where the foreign food is. How did my pickles and salsa become sweet?!

    But we did have fun. There was so little salsa in the pin wheels that you didn't notice. The haystacks were another story :P

    We had fun though. And people love my cooking. Makes a girl want to dance inside :)
