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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

CoTeach - Story of Fire and Me

This week for co teaching I am sharing a powerpoint I made of when I was four years old.  It is a story about a gas stove, pretty fire, and me.  We lived in a house with a gas stove in the living room.  You could see the fire through the glass when it was on.  I liked to watch "the pretty fire of red, orange, and yellow."  I told them how I would sit in front of the stove with my doll house, dolls, and pink plastic cars to play.

I am a curious child is a phrase I used a lot.

I touched the stove three times.  In my memory, it all happened in one day.  The first time, because it was pretty.  The second time, because my plastic car had not been hurt so I thought it was safe.  The third time because the fire went out so I assumed it was safe.

I am a curious person who sees something from many angles.  I always wonder if something is good or okay under different situations or conditions.  This is a prime example of that.


  1. Did you mention the hour of ice cold water running on your hand in the sink till the finger stopped hurting and you stopped screaming after you had tried the touch of the glass when it was burning hot?..... The finger under cold water help you avoid a big blistered finger that would hurt for days to come. Yes, I remember that day very well! Yes, you are a curious person! :)

  2. I remember having my finger under water in the sink... and I remember you tried to put stuff on it. But it hurt too much to have it out of the water... I tweaked the story to fit my memories and to also stay simple. I can send you the powerpoint if you want. You can't complicate things in the co-teaching classes. Especially for those who understand like 50 English words. Most of it is simply exposure. I try to be very animated with many pictures for them so they can follow what I say or at least get the general idea.
