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Friday, October 21, 2011

Lyrics turned worship

I was listening to a song that for many is a secular song.  The writers of the song I think meant for it to be a song that wasn't spiritual as much as a reminder that God is always there even in the hard times - no matter how many hard times there are.

Here is what I wrote from what I got out of that song:

We can be lonely. We can be sad. Everything we lived for can be gone. Our hearts' can feel so broken. We want nothing more than to leave this world too. The words others speak to us mean nothing. They seem so lifeless. Yet, we remember in the back of our mines that once upon a time... we were not so worthless. There is a God who cares about us. This war isn't over. We still have to try to be strong. But we can depend on Him, and someday He will take us home. These are not wasted years. None of it is in vain. As long as we have hope, then that at least remains. There is a light brighter than the sun that conquers all the heartache we have endured. It is His love.

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